Alexander Klaws: He’s doing couples therapy with his wife

Alexander Klaws
He’s doing couples therapy with his wife

Alexander Klaws and Nadja Scheiwiller have two children together.

© imago / Future Image

Alexander Klaws and his wife Nadja Scheiwiller fight for their love. A couples therapist is supposed to help them with their marital problems.

The marriage of the very first “DSDS” winner Alexander Klaws (38) and his wife Nadja Scheiwiller (36) is currently under particular stress. Like them together in a surprisingly frank interview with RTL explain, they want to fight for their love now. You have decided on couples therapy. As early as the summer, they announced that they would argue more often due to the pandemic pollution. Nevertheless, they absolutely want to hold on to their marriage.

“We didn’t sit at home and just deal with the issues ourselves, we got help,” says Klaws, who won the fifth season of “The Masked Singer” a few weeks ago. The trigger for this decision was the well-being of the children who saw the argument: “Of course, it’s not nice for the children,” reports Nadja. It was crucial for them “that we get help”.

Alexander Klaws: There are no perfect relationships

In family life, according to Klaws, there are hurdles that were thought to be taken with the left. But that doesn’t always work. “The word perfect, especially with regard to relationships: that doesn’t exist,” says Klaws. For him, a perfect family is much more one that is honest with itself and accepts the challenges of everyday life.

Klaws and Scheiwiller met and fell in love at the musical “Tarzan” and have been a couple for eleven years. The wedding took place two years ago. Klaws and Scheiwiller are parents of two children: Lenny (4) and Flynn (1).


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