“Ajorque is a top player” … The RC Strasbourg striker ended three months without a goal

At the Meinau stadium in Strasbourg,

Nine matches. Almost three months. Since the victory in Metz on January 9, Ludovic Ajorque had not scored a single goal. An unusual lack of success for the RC Strasbourg striker, who had never experienced such a period since his arrival in Alsace in the summer of 2018.

What instill doubt in the head of this big beefy (1.97 m)? He won’t tell. It’s neither his style to complain, nor to put himself on the front of the stage. The 28-year-old Reunionese has always put the team before him. Including this Sunday, even after his 11th goal of the season, synonymous with victory against RC Lens (1-0) for the 30th day of Ligue 1.

” To mark ? It was not the most important, but rather the victory […] We came out of 7 games without defeat, now 8, without me scoring but it didn’t matter. Today, I’m happy to have helped the team, ”he explained in his calm voice. A far cry from his attitude on the field where he was biting from the start. Blood and gold defender Facundo Medina can attest to that.

At the quarter of an hour of play, the two clung. Hand games… “It’s football. He has the grinta. In the field, everyone is changing. I was in my match, too, ”nuance Ludovic Ajorque, who again reported a few minutes later for an excess of commitment. There was no need to be very observant to notice it: the number 25 of the Blues was very hungry this Sunday. This was also seen in the many efforts made, offensive and defensive.

“To play with a guy like that is extraordinary”

“He still had a big game in his undermining work, and finished it with this penalty”, confirms his coach Julien Stéphan. “He is really important for the team. You don’t see the slaughter he is doing! “, adds captain Dimitri Liénard before clearly declaring his love to his partner. “I’ve been playing with him for four years. In training, he’s boring, he’s technical, he’s tall, he’s harassing. For me, he is a top player. Playing with a guy like that is extraordinary. »

Kevin Gameiro should not say the opposite. The two found each other very easily again. Discount, calls, they are constantly looking for each other and it works almost all the time. This is also how the second penalty arrived, with a pass from “KG” for his friend, mowed down by Leca. But the sequel was less happy, with the former Parisian who saw his attempt being stopped by the Lensois goalkeeper.

Why didn’t Ludovic Ajorque shoot this second peno? “I left it at Kev’. There is no designated player. We try to trust each other, it works pretty well, ”he replies before mentioning his good feeling with Gameiro. “We feel good together. We work a lot in training, it’s good that it shows in matches… But we mustn’t forget Habib (Diallo) too. The top billing is really not for him.

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