Aircraft construction: Airbus continues to increase deliveries

aircraft construction
Airbus continues to increase deliveries

A Lufthansa Airbus A320 lands in Hamburg. Photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Airbus delivered 142 aircraft to customers in the first quarter, 63 of them in March alone. However, the target for the current year is much higher.

The world’s largest aircraft manufacturer, Airbus, once again significantly increased its deliveries in March. Last month, customers received 63 commercial aircraft, the Dax group announced on Friday evening in Toulouse.

In the first three months, the manufacturer has delivered a total of 142 machines. Group boss Guillaume Faury has planned to deliver around 720 machines for the year as a whole.

Airbus received orders for 104 aircraft in March but also suffered 76 cancellations. In the first quarter, the company received net new orders for 83 machines.

It remained unclear whether and how many cancellations are due to the sanctions against Russia as a result of the Ukraine war. Airbus is currently not allowed to deliver aircraft to customers from Russia. This also includes two Airbus A350s for the Russian company Aeroflot, the delivery of which the manufacturer had already booked in December. These machines were actually no longer delivered because of the sanctions, it is now said.

A company spokesman did not want to say whether Airbus has also removed orders from Russia from its order book. The company is complying with all regulations, he said.


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