Against immigration, Zemmour wants a “wall” at the EU’s external borders

Eric Zemmour has decided to plagiarize Donald Trump and his old statements on the border between the United States and Mexico. The presidential candidate called on Wednesday evening for the construction of a “wall” at “all the external borders” of the European Union to fight against immigration. He even said he was ready to financially support countries ready to build one.

“I am in favor of it, France and Germany refuse. The Swedish European Commissioner (Ylva) Johansson refuses”, but “I will tip the European majority in favor of the wall, which will be financed by European funds”, he launched on BFM TV. “Countries that have built a wall like Hungary are defending European civilization,” said the candidate Reconquest!.

Poland has already pulled out the hammers

France, because of its geography, would not be affected, he further specified. And “we will make a special police” with “border guards at the French borders”, he added, without specifying the cost of the measure.

In late January, Poland said it was starting to build a new fence on its border with Belarus to block the entry of illegal migrants, which sparked a crisis between Warsaw and Minsk last year. The wall is expected to cost some 353 million euros and is due to be completed in June.

“Now that’s enough, okay…”

During the show, a tense exchange also took place between Eric Zemmour and a resident of Aubervilliers. The former polemicist castigated the “multicultural society”, “it means the war of civilizations and it means that it is the most numerous who win, in this case Islam”. “Let’s stop stigmatizing a population, stop with Islam”, reacted his interlocutor. “Madam, I say what I want, you say what you want, now that’s enough, OK…”, he then annoyed.

This exchange program with French people was organized in Saint-Denis and not in Montreuil, where the team of the planned studio opposed its arrival. A rally against Eric Zemmour also took place in Montreuil on Wednesday.

The candidate also mentioned the vaccine pass against Covid-19 and the government’s hope of being able to lift it “at the end of March-beginning of April”. He thus joked about this “chance” of the calendar before the presidential election of April 10 and 24. “I am not at all suspicious but I still suspect the government of having invented this machine which is useless, because we knew that Omicron was a virus of the end of an epidemic, if I dare say, to be able to make this electoral gift. But you will say that I have a bad spirit, ”he concluded.

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