After troop withdrawal in Afghanistan: Taliban attack provincial capital

Status: 07/07/2021 4:32 p.m.

For the first time since the beginning of the international troop withdrawal, the radical Islamic Taliban are attacking a provincial capital in Afghanistan again. Fierce fighting has been reported from the city of Kala-i-Naw in the northwest of the country.

The offensive began just hours after the US Army had declared that 90 percent of its withdrawal into Afghanistan was complete: the Taliban attacked Kala-i-Naw, the capital of Baghdis province in the north-west of the country. There was fierce fighting.

“The war is raging”

The radical Islamic fighters reportedly captured several police stations and intelligence bases, at least temporarily. Panic broke out in the population. According to official information, government troops responded with air strikes that special forces were deployed to push back the Taliban. “The war is raging,” said Defense Minister Bismillah Mohammadi. He spoke of “a very tense military situation”.

“The enemy has invaded the city and all the surrounding districts have fallen,” said the governor of Badghis, Hessamuddin Schams. He later published a video in which he called on the population to calm down: “My message is, please stay calm. I assure you that we will all do everything we can to defend the city together,” said Schams, who is apparently also involved was armed with a rifle. Gunshots could be heard in the background of the recording.

Since the US and NATO troops began to withdraw in May, the fighting between government forces and the Taliban has intensified massively. The Taliban have been advancing for weeks and have since gained some ground. At least five provincial capitals are now surrounded. The government in Kabul announced a counter-offensive in the north.

Peace talks continued despite violence

Despite the fierce fighting, both sides met in Iran for new talks. The Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Sarif welcomed the US troop withdrawal in the neighboring country at the opening of the meeting in Tehran. However, he stressed: “Today the people and the political leadership of Afghanistan have to make difficult decisions for the future of their country.” The Iranian government is concerned about recent developments in Afghanistan. In recent years, Iran has taken in millions of refugees from the neighboring country.

Troop withdrawal should be completed by August

The US plans to bring its soldiers back in full by August. The main Bagram air force base was handed over to the Afghan security forces on Friday. From there, many attacks against the Taliban and other Islamist groups were launched during the 20 years of the war in Afghanistan. The Bundeswehr, which was stationed in Kunduz in the north, had already ended its mission on June 30 and withdrew the last soldiers.

From 1996 until it was overthrown by US-led troops in 2001, the Taliban ruled Afghanistan and massively curtailed human rights, especially women’s rights.

Bundeswehr out, Taliban on the march – the concerns of the people in Mazar-i-Sharif

Silke Diettrich, ARD New Delhi, 7/7/2021 5:45 p.m.

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