After torchlight march in Saxony: “An attack on democracy”

Status: December 6th, 2021 3:24 p.m.

After the torchlight procession by Corona opponents in front of the house of the Saxon Minister of Health, several politicians condemned the behavior in the strongest possible terms. The Dresden police are expecting further riots today.

The executive federal government has sharply condemned the torchlight march of opponents of the corona policy in front of the house of the Saxon Minister of Health Petra Köpping. “You have to be very clear: What happened in front of the house of the Saxon Minister of Health, this march, is deeply outrageous,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert in Berlin. “This is not only an attack on the privacy of Ms. Köpping, the minister, it is also an attack on democracy.”

With torches in front of the house

Around 30 opponents of the Corona policy demonstrated last Friday, calling out loudly in front of the house of the Saxon Health Minister Petra Köpping in Grimma. They carried torches and posters. The police have reported the violation of the Assembly Act and are investigating violations of the Corona Ordinance. In addition, other criminal law aspects would be examined by the state security, among others.

“Organized Intimidation”

At the weekend, politicians across party lines expressed horror at the action. “That reminds me of the darkest chapters in our German history,” said the current Federal Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU), of “Bild am Sonntag”. It was “organized intimidation of a state representative,” he said.

Government spokesman Seibert also classified the protests against Köpping as attempts at “intimidation”. The demonstrators “wanted nothing but scare,” he said. There should be “no place in the democratic debate about the right path in this pandemic”.

Interior Minister calls for “rapid trials”

Saxony’s Interior Minister Roland Wöller had previously sharply condemned the torch lift. “I have no understanding whatsoever when officials and people in charge and their families are threatened in private,” said the CDU politician in Deutschlandfunk.

It would now be important to find a procedure with the public prosecutor to quickly punish committed violations. He therefore called for “rapid trials to punish violations of the corona protective measures immediately and rigorously,” he told the “Bild” newspaper. “Something like that can’t just happen weeks later.”

In addition, there must be a change in the law to be able to act more sharply against hate posts in Internet services, said Wöller. These are “no longer harmless messenger services”, but “platforms for hatred and agitation”. This border crossing is also an attempt to delegitimize free democracy, said Wöller. More civil courage is needed in society. “It is precisely in such a crisis that we need common values ​​and solidarity”.

Scholz: “That is meant as a threat”

The designated Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz also sharply criticized the torchlight march. “We mustn’t put up with that as a country,” said the SPD politician. You shouldn’t let anyone get away with being annoyed and therefore doing things like that.

One could have different opinions on many questions. One should and should also discuss this – and be committed to it. “But that is meant as a threat. And we shouldn’t pretend that it wasn’t exactly that: a threat to a democratic, hardworking and really great politician in Saxony,” said Scholz. All Democrats would have to reject that.

Chrupalla: “Not serving the cause”

AfD parliamentary group leader Tino Chrupalla called the protests in front of Köpping’s private house “not conducive to the matter”. Peaceful protest is a fundamental right, but the protection of privacy is a no less important legal asset, he told the “Welt”.

Dresden police are preparing a large-scale operation

In Dresden, the police are preparing again for a large-scale operation today. The reason: Parliament wants to decide on the determination of the epidemic situation in the Free State at noon. The emergency services expect a protest from opponents of the Corona policy in front of the Saxon state parliament. The police said that this is called for in social networks in particular.

“Extremists are also mobilizing for a protest in front of the Saxon state parliament. Our risk prognosis, the basis of our tactics, is completely different from what it was on previous Mondays,” said Police President Jörg Kubiessa. As a result, this significantly narrows the scope for discretion. “The police will take a tougher course – naturally taking into account the principle of proportionality when choosing our means,” said Kubiessa. Water cannons should be ready in the city center.

Saxony – Police presence in front of the state parliament

Christof Stumpner, December 6th, 2021 2:24 p.m.

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