After the triple murder, the esplanade Cœur de Maine closed at night

It had been off limits since the night of the tragedy. Ten days after three young men were fatally stabbed there, the esplanade Cœur de Maine, in downtown Angers, is preparing to reopen to the public on August 1st. But not under the usual conditions since the town hall has decided to close this vast grassy esplanade with gates during the night, between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

“Our difficulty is certain behaviors, excessive alcoholism (…), explains to France 3 Jeanne Behre-Robinson, deputy mayor of Angers in charge of security and prevention. It is a difficulty for us, for the police forces, to regulate what happens there. »

Already a closure in 2020

Since its inauguration in the summer of 2019, the esplanade Cœur de Maine has regularly been the scene of incivility, causing all kinds of nuisance. Two years ago, when the confinement was lifted, the town hall had already taken the decision to close the place after numerous damages and fights on a background of alcohol had been observed there within a few days.

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