After the rout, the Croatians have their backs against the wall… Woe to the loser of Balkanico… Follow the match with us…

Next on the list, at 16 appearances: Fabregas, Iniesta, Thuram or van der Sar.

François Letexier will be on the whistle, assisted by Cyril Mugnier and Mehdi Rahmouni. Ready to traumatize the Croats once again.

We have the impression of repeating ourselves in almost every match, but there should be a really good atmosphere in Hamburg for this duel between Croatia and Albania which smells of sulfur. Even if the best third-placed teams qualify, a defeat for Luka Modric’s teammates, given the rout (3-0) against Spain in the first match, would already compromise their chances of seeing the round of 16.

>> So, don’t miss this match with us. Meet at 2:30 p.m.

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