After the Odeon, the intermittents of the spectacle invest the 104, another cultural place, also a vaccination center

The intermittents of the spectacle occupied since March 4 the Odeon theater. – AFP

The intermittents of the show left the Odeon, a theater they had occupied since March 4, to invest the Parisian room of 104, which is also a vaccination center, we learned from the CGT Spectacle.

They evacuated the Odeon on their own around 6 am, removing all the protest banners on the pediment and leaving only this one, “See you soon …”.

“Continue to fight as long as possible”

They went to 104, another cultural place in the capital, where they unfurled their banner inside. “We want to find a way to make an occupation, with our general assemblies, without preventing the shows at 104, nor the vaccinations, since it is a vaccination center. We are in the process of meeting the management, we are going to organize ourselves. “, Denis Gravouil, secretary general of the CGT Spectacle, told AFP. The management of 104 could not be reached.

“Staying at the Odeon” had “become a problem of confrontation with the management”, had exposed earlier in the morning this union official, who specified then already that the idea was to “continue elsewhere, to continue to fight the as long as possible “.

The movement to occupy theaters, which started from the Odeon, has spread to around a hundred theaters across France.

A second blank year requested

Supported by the CGT, the intermittents of the spectacle and precarious were on the scene, at the Odeon, 24 hours a day, to demand a second blank year because of the health crisis and the withdrawal of the reform of the unemployment insurance which enters in force in July.

This occupation movement had prevented, according to the management of the Odeon, the reopening of this theater to the public as planned from May 19 with the performances of “The Glass Menagerie”, a masterpiece by Tennessee Williams, staged on stage by Ivo van Hove, with Isabelle Huppert as headliner.

“The director’s decision not to give the performances of + La Ménagerie de verre + since Wednesday, May 19, was not tenable for us, because we wanted this show to take place”, commented Denis Gravouil.

“The performances of + La Ménagerie de verre + will therefore resume on Tuesday, May 25,” said Stéphane Braunschweig, director of the Odeon, in a press release late Sunday morning.

A cultural reopening in trompe-l’oeil?

Denis Gravouil is also skeptical about the cultural reopening in stages since May 19: “It’s a lure, there are a third, a quarter, a tenth of people who work (…) some festivals are canceled or are in half-gauge; the private theaters have postponed. So, already, the reopening is not enough, it is partial “.

This movement to occupy theaters is condemned by the Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot. The politician tweeted Thursday: “The time has come to stop the blockages, to allow the public to return safely to the rooms, to let artists and technicians work”.

Specific to France, the intermittent regime concerns 120,000 artists and technicians compensated each year with the condition of having worked 507 hours over 12 months. Emmanuel Macron granted them a blank year which expires in August and which was recently extended by four months.

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