After the body was found: Lufthansa checked Iran flights

Status: 10/28/2022 2:08 p.m

A dead man was discovered in the landing gear bay of a Lufthansa plane at Frankfurt Airport. The machine had come from Tehran. Lufthansa is now checking its Iran flights. The police are investigating.

After a body was found in the landing gear bay of a Lufthansa plane, the group is checking its flights to the Iranian capital, Tehran. For this Friday, two Lufthansa flights and one of the subsidiary Austrian Airlines have been canceled, said a company spokeswoman in Frankfurt. A decision on resuming connections is expected to be made in the afternoon.

Identity of the dead still unknown

Workers had previously discovered a dead man during maintenance work at Frankfurt Airport on Thursday morning. He was lying in the landing gear bay of an airplane, like the Frankfurt police said Hessian Radio (hr) communicated. A spokeswoman for Lufthansa confirmed this Mr on Friday that the plane came from the Iranian capital Tehran. Blind passengers are very rare, the spokeswoman continued. First “Bild” had reported on the corpse discovery.

At first nothing was known about the identity of the man. The investigation into the death was taken over by the Frankfurt police headquarters, which initially gave no details.

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