After the abandonment of the cable car project, what alternatives to serve the west of Lyon?

An obvious hostility to the project and technical constraints certainly more numerous than those estimated. The cable car project supposed to link Francheville to Lyon, carried by environmentalists, was abandoned on Tuesday, as indicated by Sytral. The public consultation launched on this subject will only have reinforced the evidence: “strong opposition from citizens” and “conditions which were not met” to achieve this cable link.

Sytral must present, on Monday, the detailed results of the consultation and address the alternatives envisaged to relieve congestion in the west of Lyon, taking into account its topography.

Metro E revived or buried?

“Improving the TER Brignais-Francheville-Tassin-Gorge de Loup-Saint-Paul line” is one of the options that could make it possible to “reduce commuting by car”, says Cyrille Isaac-Sibille, Modem MP for the constituency of West Lyon. But for that, the dialogue must be renewed with Laurent Wauquiez, the president (LR) of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, he warns. But so far, the exchanges have never been very constructive between the two camps. And regional express trains are part of the competences of the regions.

The construction of a future metro line remains the solution favored by the elected representatives of the territories concerned. Only, it has never seduced environmentalists. Too expensive, they answer every time. “Studies, for which state funding is possible, must continue,” insists Cyrille Isaac-Sibille.

“On October 20, the results of our consultation showed a strong interest in metro 3: 69% of the population was in favor of it”, recalls Pierre Oliver, the LR mayor of the 2nd arrondissement of Lyon who had organized a survey among his citizens. . “This project must remain a priority for the west of Lyon. Let’s stop wasting our time and wasting that of the inhabitants, ”he adds.

Towards an “express tramway”?

At the end of the consultation carried out on the metro lines, the Greens did not hide the fact that they planned to fall back on an alternative mode of transport: “an express tram” which would have the particularity of being able to circulate on the surface and underground and which “would have the same traffic speed under the tunnels”. But “this project is steeped in contradictions, like the cable car”, plague Yann Cucherat, spokesperson for the opposition group “For Lyon”.

“This express tramway would be buried around the entire perimeter of the 5th arrondissement. In other words, it requires digging work comparable to that of a conventional metro. However, the executive prides itself on being able to save five years and a billion euros on the latter”, criticizes the elected representative thus evoking a “new scarecrow project which will only be able to delay the decongestion of western Lyon”.

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