After Russian sanctions: Gas transit through Ukraine significantly lower

Status: 05/12/2022 12:25 p.m

According to current information, the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine to Europe was only 53.2 million cubic meters – a renewed decline. However, it is unclear whether there is a connection with Russian sanctions.

After Russia imposed sanctions on former Gazprom subsidiaries abroad, gas transit through Ukraine to Europe has decreased significantly. According to current information from the Ukrainian network operator OGTSU, the order volume for the transmission of Russian gas was only 53.2 million cubic meters. According to the current transit contract, a maximum of 110 million cubic meters of Russian gas can be pumped through Ukraine to Europe every day.

The volume keeps decreasing

According to Russian information, the order volume on Tuesday was still 95.8 million cubic meters. On Wednesday, the gas volume fell to 72 million cubic meters because Ukraine had closed a pipeline through the heavily contested Luhansk region due to the war. Now it has fallen again by more than a quarter. It is unclear whether the drastic decline is related to the sanctions.

In the past few weeks, comparable quantities have been routed through the Ukrainian pipeline system on several occasions. Most recently, the transit volume was similarly low on April 24 at 53 million cubic meters.

Request for additional quantities rejected

Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kurpriyanov explained that the group fed the gas volume into the Ukrainian pipeline network at the Suja point in accordance with the Kiev specifications. The application to feed in additional quantities via the Sochranivka gas metering station in the border area with Luhansk had been rejected by Ukraine, said Kurpriyanov. He did not specify how much gas Russia planned to pump through this line.

On Wednesday, the Russian government banned transactions with Gazprom Germania and other former subsidiaries of the Russian state-owned company Gazprom abroad. The regulation affects a total of 30 companies in Europe and one in the USA and is initially valid until September 30th. Gazprom Germania was placed under German state control in early April.

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