After meeting the two countries: Venezuela releases two US citizens

Status: 03/09/2022 07:46 a.m

Two US citizens have been released from custody in Venezuela – among them the manager of an oil company. This was preceded by a surprise, secret meeting between the two governments, which President Maduro described as “cordial”.

The Venezuelan government has released two detained US citizens. The White House said it was the manager of an oil company arrested in 2017 and a man who had been arrested last year on flimsy allegations. “These men are fathers who have lost quality time with their children and those they love, and their families have suffered every day of their absence,” President Joe Biden said.

Surprise meeting

Over the weekend, members of the US government surprisingly held secret talks in Venezuela. The health and welfare of detained US citizens were also discussed, said White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki.

The now released manager, Gustavo Cárdenas, and five other executives of the US subsidiary Citgo of the Venezuelan state oil company were accused of corruption in 2017. The so-called “Citgo 6” had been sentenced to long prison terms. Cardenas spent four years in prison. According to the newspapers “New York Times” and “El Mundo”, the second released is a US citizen with Cuban roots who was arrested in February 2021 as a tourist in Venezuela. He was accused of terrorism for bringing a drone into the country.

Better relationships soon because of the oil?

According to Psaki, the talks also dealt with the topic of energy. The US has banned imports of Russian oil over the attack on Ukraine, meaning it must look for alternative oil supplies. Venezuela, which is relatively close to the US, is the country with the largest oil reserves in the world, but has also been subject to numerous US sanctions.

Now the United States is taking a step towards Venezuela: Earlier this week, President Nicolás Maduro reported in a good mood about the meeting at a meeting with his cabinet: “We had a respectful, cordial and very diplomatic meeting with the United States delegation. The flags Venezuela’s and the United States looked beautiful side by side, united as they should be. We talked for almost two hours.”

Maduro signals interest in better relationships

A few hours before the two US prisoners were released, Maduro signaled interest in improved relations with the US. These, in turn, are trying to push back Russian influence in Latin America. Venezuela is Moscow’s key ally in the region and backed the Kremlin after attacking Ukraine. But Venezuela is also a leading oil exporter. Therefore, a re-entry of the country into US energy markets could mitigate the impact of the US oil embargo on Russia at US gas pumps.

For months, diplomats, lobbyists and oil executives have been urging the US government to reconsider the hitherto unsuccessful campaign of maximum pressure to overthrow Maduro launched by the administration of then-US President Donald Trump.

With information from Anne Demmer, ARD-Studio Mexico

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Anne Demmer, ARD Mexico City, March 9, 2022 7:16 a.m

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