After cases of Covid-19, participants in the Holà Cuba festival invited to be tested

From October 8 to 10, the Holà Cuba festival took place, a meeting of music and dances around Cuban culture, between Bruguières and Toulouse. A few days after this meeting, “a chain of Covid-19 contamination” was identified by the Regional Health Agency, through two cases of contamination, despite the health pass.

If none of these cases presents a serious factor, the health authorities have decided to launch a call for screening among the 1,300 participants in this event after a first phase of contact-tracing.

While PCR and antigen tests have become chargeable, the Occitanie Regional Health Agency invites festival-goers to contact it via the email address [email protected] to benefit from free screening. And encourages those who have symptoms, even mild ones, to stay isolated at home.

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