After cancer diagnosis: Known for dance anthems: Musician Dario G dies

After cancer diagnosis
Known for dance anthems: Musician Dario G dies

With his music project Dario G, Paul Spencer created some great dance anthems. Photo

© Jonas Walzberg/dpa

His song “Carnaval de Paris” became famous during the 1998 World Cup. Now the musician Paul Spencer, who performed under the name Dario G, has died, according to British media reports.

He shaped the 1990s with songs such as “Sunchyme” and “Carnaval de Paris”. Now the musician Paul Spencer, who performed under the name Dario G, has died at the age of 53, as reported by the British broadcaster BBC and the television channel Sky News, citing an Instagram post by his family. “It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our beloved Paul Spencer today,” one post said.

“He was positive until the end, but this was a battle he could no longer fight. He leaves behind a wonderful musical legacy and many happy memories for many people. He will be greatly missed by everyone who loved him.” Spencer announced his cancer diagnosis last year.

With his music project Dario G he created some great dance anthems. “Carnaval de Paris” was released for the 1998 FIFA World Cup and was considered the unofficial anthem. The music project, which was now a trio, also released songs such as “Voices” and the song “Dream To Me”, which referenced “Dreams” by The Cranberries.

A year ago, Spencer announced on Instagram that he had colon cancer. The charity Macmillan Cancer wrote under the news of his death that he had been incredibly kind-hearted and had supported their organization last year with proceeds from his single “Savour the Miracle of Life.” He will be missed by everyone who knew him, the organization said in its post.


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