After being nominated by AfD: CDU calls for Otte to leave the party

Status: 01/25/2022 1:45 p.m

The AfD has nominated the CDU politician Otte as a candidate for the office of Federal President – who had not contradicted. Now the CDU has asked him to leave the party and given him an ultimatum.

The CDU has asked the chairman of the right-wing conservative values ​​union, Max Otte, to leave the party. This was announced by the still incumbent Secretary General Ziemiak together with his successor Czaja at a press conference.

Anyone who is even considering something like this as a Christian Democrat “is violating the values ​​of the CDU and has no place in our party,” said Ziemiak in Berlin. “We also expressly call on Dr. Otte to leave the CDU.” The CDU leadership gave Otte an ultimatum until 5:30 p.m. to explain whether he would accept the nomination. At 6:00 p.m., the federal executive board will discuss the further procedure, announced the future Secretary General Mario Czaja.

AfD nominates CDU politician Otte

The AfD had nominated Otte as a candidate for the office of Federal President – the CDU politician had not contradicted. “Being offered the candidacy for Federal President is one of the greatest honors that can happen to you,” said the CDU politician to the dpa news agency. “The office offers the chance to heal, to reconcile, to admonish. I consult with my family and think about it intensively.” He told the newspaper “Die Welt” that he had asked the AfD “for the great honor” thanks.

The “candidacy would be completely compatible with my CDU membership,” the politician continued. Apparently he also wants to campaign for support in the CDU. “I’ll be happy if my own party joins the proposal.” Yesterday, the Union of Values ​​itself had suggested to the new CDU leader Friedrich Merz that Otte should be set up.

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