After anti-Semitic posts: Biennale for contemporary photography canceled – Culture

The Biennale for Current Photography, which is organized by the neighboring cities of Mannheim, Ludwigshafen and Heidelberg, separated from the curators shortly before the publication of the program and canceled the entire event. The reason is “anti-Semitic readable and anti-Semitic content” on the Facebook page of Shahidul Amal, one of three curators from Bangladesh who should be responsible for the next edition in March 2024. Amal did not want to follow the requests for a more sensitive approach to his posts, explained the Biennale board, which consists of the heads of the cultural departments of the three cities. Rather, he then shared further posts on his page that were unacceptable to the organizers, which led to his expulsion. As a result, the co-curators Tanzim Wahab and Munem Wasif also resigned, which forced the cancellation.

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