After a slap in the face for Oliver Pocher: Fat Comedy celebrates his act on Instagram

After slapping Oliver Pocher
Fat Comedy celebrates his act on Instagram

Oliver Pocher in the boxing match where the slap came

© imago images/Revierfoto

Apparently, Fat Comedy still finds the video of his slap in the face for Oli Pocher very funny – now he has posted it on Instagram.

The fight between Oliver Pocher (44) and Fat Comedy (23) goes into the next round. After Pocher reported the comedian because of his slap in the face, he now reacted on Instagram.

There is little sign of remorse, quite the opposite: In a clip follows Fat Comedy again. He edited the slapping scene into a short excerpt from a Bruno Mars music video. So he “claps” Pocher to the beat of the song.

What happened?

At the end of March, Pocher attended a boxing match in Dortmund when Fat Comedy – whom he said he had never seen or spoken to before – hit him in the face without warning. Apparently, the action was planned, because it was also filmed by a friend of the hitherto relatively unknown comedian. The video circulated online.

Pocher had to go to the doctor several times due to the attack and could no longer hear certain frequency ranges. In a video on Instagram he presented his view of things: “We’re not talking about some funny slap in the face. We’re talking about a capital crime.” Violence is never a solution, according to Pocher. He also announced that all means would be used to clarify this in court and that he hoped for the maximum penalty.

Shortly after the severe slap that literally knocked Pocher off his chair, Fat Comedy actually apologized with the sentence that violence was not a solution.


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