After 18 days, the strike ends for the agents in charge of parking control

After eighteen days of strike, the agents of the company Moovia, of the Transdev subsidiary, who take care of the control of the parking lots in the city of Nice, cease their action, without having won their case. “We have no more money”, they expressed themselves in Nice morning.

Since November 4, these fourteen employees have denounced their working conditions and their remuneration. Their management had offered them a bonus of 175 euros gross but “employees are demanding a rise in wages” citing its importance for applying for a loan or for renting an apartment. This premium also depends on the rate of the agents, to have the maximum, “we are talking about 651 vehicle checks per day”, reports the local daily.

On the city side, we are assured of not having “the possibilities to intervene in salary negotiations”, dixit Gaël Nofri, the deputy mayor for Traffic and Parking. For the past three years, Moovia has been handling parking tickets for the city, but the contract expires at the end of the year.

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