Africa climate summit: Climate officers: Germany can learn a lot from Kenya

Africa Climate Summit
Climate officer: Germany can learn a lot from Kenya

Jennifer Morgan, Commissioner for International Climate Policy at the Federal Foreign Office, is taking part in the first Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi on behalf of Germany (archive photo). photo

© Britta Pedersen/dpa

The first Africa climate summit takes place in Nairobi. The participants call for more influence for the continent on climate protection issues. Secretary of State Jennifer Morgan praises the host.

According to Jennifer Morgan, the commissioner for international climate policy at the Federal Foreign Office, Kenya is a role model for the Federal Republic in several respects. “Germany can learn a lot from Kenya,” Morgan said on Deutschlandfunk. Among other things, she mentioned the radiance of Kenya’s President William Rute on climate policy, the African country’s approach to bringing different countries together for common solutions and the country’s efforts to expand renewable energies.

Morgan is taking part in the first Africa climate summit, which began on Monday in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi. At the start, Ruto described the continent as “the key to accelerating the decarbonization of the global economy”. The energy transition is not only necessary for climate protection, but also an opportunity to create “billion-dollar economic opportunities,” said Ruto. Global investors are looking for green investment opportunities – Africa has the potential to attract this money.

The summit is to end on Wednesday with a “Nairobi Declaration”, which is intended to set important signals and goals – also for the forthcoming world climate conference starting November 30 in Dubai.


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