AfD in Bavaria: suspicion of hate speech at a rally in Osterhofen – Bavaria

After a suspected anti-Semitic interjection at the AfD’s Ash Wednesday rally in Osterhofen, the public prosecutor’s office is investigating on suspicion of incitement to hatred. At the gathering on February 22, one person in the audience is said to have shouted: “We are ruled by the Jews!”. According to the Deggendorf public prosecutor’s office, attempts are now being made to determine who made the call.

As a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office explained on Thursday, investigations are currently being carried out against persons unknown. It is not yet possible to say whether the statement is punishable by law. Ultimately, reputation must be judged in context. “The investigation is now at the beginning.” First of all, it must also be found out whether the statement was made in exactly the same way.

AfD state chairman Stephan Protschka told the media group Straubinger Tagblatt/Landshuter Zeitungthat he did not hear the interjection. “For me and the Bavarian AfD, such statements are unacceptable,” said the member of the Bundestag. If the public prosecutor approached the party, the AfD would help clarify the matter. According to the report, the heckling was initially heard in the live stream of the meeting. In the meantime, the AfD has put a modified version on the Internet from which the passage has been removed.

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