AfD deputy in Saxony asks about chemtrails

Sebastian Wipp
Conspiracy theories in the Saxon state parliament: AfD MPs ask about chemtrails

Sebastian Wippel sits for the AfD in the Saxon state parliament

© jmfoto / Imago Images

Chemtrails are among the most popular conspiracy theories. An AfD member of parliament in Saxony has made a request to the government with which he wants to get to the bottom of the phenomenon.

So-called chemtrails are considered one of the “most popular” conspiracy theories. Contrails that airplanes create in the sky are said to contain chemical substances or toxins and are created by governments to manipulate people. While this theory is repeatedly rejected by experts as scientifically untenable, it is now suddenly an issue in the Saxon state parliament.

The AfD MP Sebastian Wippel, who has been in parliament since 2014, has made a corresponding small request to the state government. He refers to “a growing number of citizens” who would notice flight movements behind which they suspect “the targeted introduction of chemicals into the atmosphere”. Wippel therefore wants to know from the government in Saxony, among other things, whether anything is known about such events.

AfD MP wants to learn more about heavy metals in the air and blood

The AfD politician would also like to learn more about the concentration of aluminium, barium and strontium in the air and in the blood of patients. Most recently, in the May 10 document, he poses the question of how these heavy metals can get into the atmosphere and in what concentrations they naturally occur in the air. According to conspiracy believers, airplanes are said to emit aluminium, barium and strontium in order to change the climate or influence the population.

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In the text, Wippel also refers to the suspicion expressed by some citizens that chemtrails are being used to reduce the population. It is not clear from his small question whether Wippel himself shares this view, because at the same time he describes chemtrails as a “presumed conspiracy theory”. Scientific studies on the subject have so far found no evidence of the truthfulness of the conspiracy narrative. Contrails in the sky are caused by the condensation of water vapor in the exhaust gases from aircraft engines. The response from the State Chancellery in Dresden to Wippel is likely to be similar, which must now be made within four weeks.

Sources: Saxon state parliament / SWR

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