AfD chairmanship in the interior committee: Don’t be a gardener


As of: December 8th, 2021 9:03 pm

Ironically, the AfD is supposed to lead the interior committee, which deals with the protection of the constitution and right-wing extremism. This is a scandal that the other parties in the Bundestag must prevent.

A commentary by Julio Segador, BR

The new Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, said it clearly: Her focus in the new office will be on the fight against right-wing extremism. It could very well be that she has to mess with the Interior Committee of the German Bundestag right away.

Because it looks like the AfD is to lead this committee in the future: The party that is partially observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, possibly soon as a whole party – this party is to lead the committee that deals with the protection of the Constitution and right-wing extremism.

The buck is turned into a gardener. It is a scandal of which the other parties are not innocent. The SPD, Union, Greens and FDP would have had the opportunity to prevent this from happening in the distribution of the posts for the committee chairs. You could have slowed down the AfD with a clever strategy so that the far-right party does not have access to security-relevant and sensitive committees.

Greens and FDP wanted to secure posts

Instead, MPs who did not achieve ministerial honor had to be taken care of, that was more important. The Greens were the first to resort to the European Committee. The ex-parliamentary group leader Anton Hofreiter, who had been thwarted as a possible Minister of Agriculture, was somewhat appeased. And the FDP wanted to take care of the defense politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann and chose the appropriate committee for her. Strack-Zimmermann was also previously discussed as a possible minister.

The fiasco could have been prevented with clever agreements – and it can still be prevented: The majority of the MPs in the Interior Committee are not allowed to elect the AfD candidate for the chairmanship. In the discussion for the post of the Berlin AfD MP Gottfried Curio. A man whose statements at least call into question the free-democratic basic order. For example when he speaks of “resettlement and replacement migration” in connection with the UN migration pact. Or when he keeps talking about a “birth jihad” with a view to Muslim migrants.

Wrong respect for proportional representation

Should this politician head the Interior Committee of the Bundestag? No. The other parties must prevent this election. Here no consideration should be given to misunderstood parliamentary proportional representation practices.

Large parts of the AfD do not have both feet on the ground of our basic order. The latest internal chats of the AfD, which were uncovered in Bavaria, and in which AfD members rant about civil war and revolutionary fantasies, are emphatic evidence of this. Such a party must not occupy a prominent position in our constitutional state.

Editor’s note

Comments generally reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editors.

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