Addressing the Root Cause: Targeting Perpetrators of Violence Against Women

Family law attorney Asha Hedayati expresses deep concern over the rising normalization of violence against women, emphasizing that current societal structures often perpetuate this issue. She highlights that many women stay in abusive relationships due to economic dependencies and a lack of affordable housing. Hedayati calls for a comprehensive approach to prevention, advocating for more support services, societal attitude shifts, and effective implementation of laws to combat violence and protect women.

Escalating Violence Against Women: Family Law Attorney Asha Hedayati Expresses Concern Over Normalized Statistics

tagesschau24: “Frightening, unbearable, shameful”—this is how ministers Lisa Paus and Nancy Faeser reacted to the alarming rate of violent crimes. What are the challenges in safeguarding women from violence in our society?

Asha Hedayati: It’s crucial to acknowledge that existing structures not only fail to prevent violence but may actually encourage it. The statistics have consistently increased over the years, with decision-makers appearing surprised or appalled each time new figures are released.

What truly disturbs me is the casual manner in which these statistics are presented annually and the acceptance of escalating violence by both society and political leaders.

Asha Hedayati, a family law attorney and advocate for victims of domestic violence and stalking, emphasizes the urgency of addressing this issue.

Addressing Economic Dependency and Poverty

tagesschau24: As a legal professional, you encounter numerous cases where women endure severe violence yet remain with their partners. What accounts for this reluctance to separate?

Hedayati: This question is often frustrating. The focus tends to be on the woman’s actions: Why hasn’t she left? Why did she wait too long?

We should shift our attention to the perpetrator’s motivations: What drives him to commit violence? Why does he persist, and why does the state fail to intervene effectively?

Understanding why a woman stays requires examining the economic dependencies within these relationships. When faced with separation, many victims feel they must choose between enduring violence or facing poverty. The current housing market crisis exacerbates this issue, as affordable housing options are scarce, leaving many without a viable escape route.

In Germany, 42 percent of single parents live in poverty. This statistic highlights the need to address economic factors if we are serious about combating violence against women. Poverty affects not only women but also their children, and these structural issues must be part of our prevention strategy.

For the first time, the Federal Criminal Police Office has compiled a report specifically focusing on crimes against women.

Implementing Effective Preventive Measures

tagesschau24: Prevention often involves punitive measures for offenders, yet these typically consist of contact or proximity bans that are frequently ignored. Are such measures insufficient deterrents?

Hedayati: I believe that simply increasing deterrence is not the answer. We should prioritize creating a society where violence is not tolerated in the first place.

Criminal law only comes into play after violence has occurred, but our goal should be prevention. Women should not have to seek refuge in shelters—this represents a significant loss in their lives. Relying on shelters cannot be our sole preventive strategy.

tagesschau24: What societal changes are necessary to enhance the protection of women?

Hedayati: We need to approach this issue on multiple fronts simultaneously. More space in women’s shelters is essential, as is the implementation of the Violence Assistance Act and the Istanbul Convention, to which Germany is committed.

We must foster a societal attitude that rejects male violence against women. This involves deconstructing harmful notions of masculinity, starting with young people, and addressing gender roles and education. Understanding where violence originates and recognizing personal boundaries are critical components of this multifaceted challenge. We must tackle this complexity on various levels to effectively combat violence.

The dialogue was conducted by Romy Hiller from tagesschau24 and has been edited for clarity.

The topic was covered by tagesschau24 on November 19, 2024, at 11:00 AM.

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