Adam Tooze: “Europe needs to become more French in a way”

Europe took the shock of war surprisingly well, says historian Adam Tooze. Between the USA and China, the continent must now find its own way.

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Mr. Tooze, there is a lot of debate about Europe’s future and future viability. How did you feel when you came to Europe?
I’m a little more relaxed than I was a few months ago. Especially during the summer there was a great mood of crisis.

Wasn’t that justified?
From the perspective of that time: yes. We now know that the situation is much better and has relaxed. The German GDP figures were surprisingly good at 1.9 percent. The recession will come later, maybe not at all or will be mild. Not to forget: Europe has even digested a post-fascist government in Italy without a new crisis erupting.

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