Actress Annabelle Lengronne victim of racist insults in the street

His lawyer, Me Hosni Maati, lodged a complaint, and an investigation on the count of “public insult because of ethnicity, race” was opened by the prosecutor’s office in Dax (Landes). Annabelle Lengronne, 34 years old (The dream Team, Gears…) Published Tuesday, December 28 on social networks a video in which she wipes, while she is in the street, a volley of racist insults from a young man.

“Zemmour, he looks at you, he brings you back to your country. I don’t like blacks and Arabs. […] Dirty bougnoule »launches the young man, while the actress is filming him. The scene unfolded in the city center of Dax, where Annabelle Lengronne was on vacation as part of a family visit, on the night of Monday 27 to Tuesday 28 December, around 3:30 am,
report South West.

“Racist gangrene”

According to France Blue, the actress and a friend would have met a group of young men in a bar, then one of them wanted to bring the actress home, which she refused. It was then that he uttered racist insults in the middle of the street.

The Mrap (Movement against racism and friendship between peoples) of the Landes denounced in a press release “remarks of unbearable racist violence”, is worried about the “racist gangrene which affects our society” and brings its solidarity to the young woman.

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