Actor couple: Selenskyj recognizes the commitment of Kunis and Kutcher

actor couple
Zelenskyj recognizes the commitment of Kunis and Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis raise millions for Ukraine Photo: Michael Nelson/epa/dpa

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Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher raised over $30 million for Ukraine. The country’s president is grateful.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked Mila Kunis (38) and her husband Ashton Kutcher (44) for their support.

“Impressed by her determination. You inspire the world,” wrote the 44-year-old on Twitter on Sunday. In addition, Selenskyj posted a photo showing a video call with him and the actor couple.

In early March, Kunis and Kutcher called for donations for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. The goal of their fundraiser was 30 million US dollars, according to Selenskyj around 35 million US dollars were collected. The president paid tribute to the actors’ commitment: They were among the first “to react to our grief,” wrote Zelenskyj.

Kunis was born in Ukraine and came to the United States with her family in 1991. The actress described the Russian invasion of Ukraine as an “unjust attack on humanity”.


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