Action against critics: Russia: More than ten cases of army defamation

action against critics
Russia: More than 10 cases of army defamation

According to civil rights activists, any protest against the war in Russia should be stifled – even with maximum severity against demonstrators. Photo: Dmitri Lovetsky/AP/dpa

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The head of Russia’s top investigative authority calls the intensified crackdown on critics appropriate. The penalties should “minimize negative impact on a broad audience”.

Russia’s top investigative authority is already conducting more than ten criminal cases for alleged misinformation about the Russian armed forces. That’s what the head of the agency, Alexander Bastrykin, told the TASS agency in Moscow.

He called it very appropriate that criminal responsibility had been tightened. The severe penalties were intended to “minimize incorrect information and its negative impact on a broad audience”.

In connection with the attack on Ukraine, Russia has introduced penalties of up to 15 years in prison for statements that do not follow official language on the use of the army or allegedly defame the armed forces. In Russia, the war must be described as a «special military operation».

A “No to war” is enough for an arrest

On the streets, the police arrested demonstrators with placards “No to war”. According to civil rights activists, any protest against the war should be stifled.

Bastrykin also saw the new legislation as a defense against what he called a “Western information warfare against Russia.” His agency also collects threats from Ukrainian officials and calls for violence against Russian citizens. On February 24, Russian troops invaded Ukraine on the orders of President Vladimir Putin.


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