accused of wounding store guards with a knife in Pézenas

A 35-year-old man will be tried on April 6 by the Béziers criminal court, for a robbery with violence, in a supermarket in Pézenas (Hérault), on Saturday.

The 30-year-old is suspected, while trying to leave the store after stealing two phones, of having wounded the three security guards who were preventing him from fleeing with a knife. Two of them were injured in the hands, with respectively 21 days and 10 days of ITT, and the third in the back, with five days of ITT.

Placed in pre-trial detention

In police custody, the man would have admitted to the gendarmes, indicates Raphaël Balland, the public prosecutor of Béziers, having tried to steal the telephones, but that the injuries inflicted on the security agents were not intentional, and that they had been injured trying to grab the knife he was holding. Security officers claimed, on the contrary, that the suspect had deliberately used his knife to meet them and that they had great difficulty in disarming him, as confirmed by the video surveillance of the supermarket.

While awaiting trial, the man has been remanded in custody. His criminal record already includes 18 convictions. He was a legal recidivism, in particular for having been sentenced, in 2021, by the Saint-Etienne criminal court, for thefts.

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