Relaying conspiracy theories and false information, including anti-vax content during the Covid epidemic, the France-Soir website has just lost its status as an online press service, which entitled it to certain tax advantages and potential aid from the Strategic Fund for the Development of the Press (FSDP). In December 2022, the Joint Committee for Publications and Press Agencies (CPPAP) refused to renew the status of online press service for, published by the company Shopper Union France.
A danger to public health
The CPPAP, based on an opinion from the Ministry of Health, had considered that the content of the site could constitute a danger to public health. Contesting this first decision, Shopper Union France had obtained its suspension in summary proceedings. In March, the Council of State had ordered the CPPAP to rule again on the request for renewal of the approval of This was done on July 17: the commission refused to grant this status. “presents in a favorable light therapeutic and preventive behaviors that are likely to divert patients from therapies consistent with the current state of scientific knowledge”, justifies the CPPAP, considering that the site does not present the “character of general interest” required.
“The CPPAP’s crusade against France-Soir continues,” the site immediately denounced, having filed an interim relief application in order to defend, according to it, “freedom of the press and freedom of expression.” But in a decision of August 16, the Paris administrative court did not rule in its favor. “None of the grounds invoked (…) appear likely to create serious doubt as to the legality of the disputed decision,” the court stated.