Accused of having drugged a deputy, senator Joël Guerriau tested positive for numerous drugs

Traces of amphetamines, opiates, cannabis, cocaine, methadone and MDMA were found in the parliamentarian’s blood. Joël Guerriau is currently in police custody, accused of having drugged a deputy without her knowledge.

Overwhelming analyses. Senator Joël Guerriau, who is accused of having drugged a member of parliament without her consent, tested positive for numerous drugs. The presence of amphetamines, opiates, cannabis, cocaine, methadone and MDMA was in fact detected in his blood, BFMTV learned from a source close to the investigation.

The parliamentarian, close to Édouard Philippe, was placed in police custody this Thursday, suspected of having drugged a deputy with the aim of sexually assaulting him.

Joël Guerriau denies the facts

“The confrontation between Joël Guerriau and the deputy is over and has allowed my client to forcefully confirm his version of the facts which does not allow at this stage of the investigation to characterize any offense. The investigation will continue as it should. must,” his lawyer, Rémi-Pierre Drai, told us.

The deputy told investigators the nature of this evening. This woman, whose identity is not known, indicated that she initially had to dine at a restaurant with the senator, before the latter offered to eat at his home.

Throughout the evening, the senator from Loire-Atlantique offers his guest several drinks that he prepares in his kitchen. According to her, he adopts “strange behavior”. She notes in particular that he turns up the intensity of the light dimmer during the evening. He also looks at her “insistently” and says he wants them to “party together”.

Ecstasy in the MP’s blood

The evening then takes a strange turn. The MP claims that about twenty minutes after taking a sip from the drink that the elected official served her, she suddenly feels bad: she says she feels cold sweats and feels her heart rate accelerate.

She becomes frightened, but decides not to show it to her host, and prefers to order a taxi and leave the premises at 10 p.m. for the National Assembly. Arriving at Parliament, she explained her situation to two of her colleagues and help arrived quickly. On site, she underwent a first series of examinations. They confirm that the deputy has very dilated pupils and a high heart rate.

Taken to Lariboisière hospital, in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, the MP was subjected to a blood test and urine tests. These new examinations reveal the presence of ecstasy in his body.

The elected official claims to have always maintained a friendly relationship with Joël Guerriau and does not understand the senator’s behavior, while the first elements of the investigation suggest that he could have drugged her without her knowledge.

Vincent Vantighem with Marie-Pierre Bourgeois

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