According to Interior Minister Strobl, Mannheim perpetrator probably motivated by Islamism

Interior Minister Strobl: Mannheim perpetrator was probably motivated by Islamism

Thomas Strobl, Baden-Württemberg’s Interior Minister, makes a press statement at the crime scene in Mannheim

© Uwe Anspach / DPA

After the fatal knife attack on a police officer in Mannheim, there are initial indications of a possible motive of the perpetrator.

According to the authorities, the knife attack in Mannheim was presumably motivated by Islamist interests. The evidence is mounting that this was an Islamist-extremist motivated crime, said Baden-Württemberg’s Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) on Tuesday in Stuttgart.

Mannheim perpetrator could belong to larger group

There is also no evidence that the suspected perpetrator is a person who belongs to a larger group. It could be an Islamist radicalized individual perpetrator, said Strobl.

Police officer dies after knife attack – colleagues say goodbye

01:17 min

These people are particularly dangerous because lone perpetrators do not communicate in groups and are difficult to monitor. The 25-year-old was not previously known to the police.


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