Accident while diving: Thorsten Legat’s testicles are removed

Accident while diving
Thorsten Legat’s testicles are removed

Kasala! Thorsten Legat is known for being tough. But even the ex-soccer player does not put away this blood slide so easily. During the rehearsals for “RTL high diving” he injured himself below the belt. And it’s so difficult that even a testicle has to be removed.

Yay! High Diving is back! That’s what many thought when RTL brought a show classic invented by Stefan Raab back to television at the beginning of June. Only one didn’t really feel like celebrating anymore.

Thorsten Legat should actually throw himself into the pool on the show. But while preparing for the live event, Legat injured himself so badly that he had to forego his participation.

“I was in Cologne on the second day of training and did my choreography there. I did a few jumps from the 3-meter board and then fell on the water so unhappily that my – may I call it that? – scrotum is so swollen and the egg is damaged,” he later described the mishap that happened to him.

“Thought I would grow a third egg”

Despite the pain, he initially continued to train, Legat explained. Only when he made his way home did he finally realize that something was wrong. “I thought I was growing a third egg,” said Legat. His testicles were “almost the size of a balloon” swollen.

A urological examination revealed a tear in the testicle, a hematoma and a bladder infection. Legate was prescribed antibiotics. But the ex-footballer’s doctor came to the conclusion that the testicles could no longer be saved, reports RTL.

“In accordance with the circumstances,” Legat replies when asked how he is currently doing. At first he thought, “The world is falling on my head because I was shocked and sad,” he admits without hesitation. In the meantime, however, he seems to have resigned himself to his fate.

cosmetic procedure

“Yes, the egg is removed in mid-August,” explains Legat. “I’m actually only getting an implant in there. I’ve been enlightened: It’s like a breast implant,” he adds.

“The testicular prostheses look like a hen’s egg in transparent or plastic-yellowish,” says Dr. Marc Weiss from the Urologikum Ludwigshafen in detail in the RTL interview. It is a purely cosmetic procedure, it is not medically necessary. Because even with only one testicle, the patient would still be fertile.

However, Legat is no longer worried about this. The 53-year-old reveals that his family planning is complete. “Let’s face it. I have two wonderful boys.” Despite his serious injury, Legat already has his sights set on the next sporting goal: he wants to prove once again in a celebrity edition of “Ninja Warrior Germany” that he’s still got it.

Thorsten Legat pursued a career as a professional soccer player from 1986 to 2001. Since then he has also held various positions as a coach. Above all, however, he has distinguished himself in recent years as a participant in reality TV formats. In 2016, for example, he moved to the jungle camp, where he ended up taking third place. Legat is also known for being particularly tough. His exclamation “Kasalla!” now enjoys cult status.

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