About 200 protesters, no flight delays

The strike against wage cuts for employees of the Aéroports de Paris group (ADP), manager of the Paris airports of Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle and Orly, continued on Saturday. While the strike had, the day before, caused flight delays the day before, the mobilization of 200 demonstrators, supervised by the police, this time had no impact on air traffic.

The employees marched on the tracks of the various terminals at Roissy airport, before dispersing in the middle of the day. Earlier in the morning, a hundred employees marched in peace in the parking lots of terminal 2E in Roissy, to the sound of a fanfare and closely supervised by police officers. They were waiting to be joined by another hundred demonstrators gathered elsewhere.

Verbalized for “obstructing the operation of the airport”

Several of them were, however, fined for “obstructing the operation of the airport” and “unjustified presence at the airport”, following a prefectural decree. They were fined 135 euros. “This is the management’s means of having a social dialogue. It is filing and intimidation, we will challenge, ”lambasted Yoan S., 43, including 15 years with the ADP firefighters.

Three unions – Unsa, CGT and CFE-CGC – are calling for a strike until Monday to obtain the withdrawal of an adaptation plan for employment contracts (PACT), which provides for a reduction or elimination of bonuses. In case of refusal, employees risk dismissal. The members of the management “make us look like privileged. I have 1,680 euros of basic salary, so the bonuses are our salary, ”explained Yoan S., who refuses to lose up to“ 300 euros ”per month. In Orly, negotiations between management and the unions were suspended and must resume Monday.

The Unsa also filed a new strike notice for July 9.

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