A year off for a fake nurse who took pleasure in biting women

He was an entrepreneur, a municipal councilor of Quimper, but he also passed himself off as a nurse. A 40-year-old man, well known in Breton cultural circles, was tried on Tuesday before the Saint-Brieuc criminal court for illegal practice of the nursing profession and sexual assault,
report The Telegram.

“Obsessed” by the veins of women, the individual had found a ploy to attract his victims and draw their blood. Offering them to participate in a pseudo-medical, the former elected received the women at his home or he came to her home with all the necessary medical equipment. The sessions were filmed in order to observe the reactions of the victims. Some of them also suffered touching.

Other complaints for similar facts

After a first complaint, the forty-something had admitted the facts in February before other victims manifested themselves. In total, five women, aged 23 to 35, joined as a civil party. But other complaints for similar facts were registered at the beginning of the week at the Quimper police station, precise France Blue.

The court sentenced the bogus nurse to three years in prison, two of which were suspended. He will also have to pay nearly 16,000 euros to the victims and 3,000 euros to the Order of Nurses, according to West France.

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