A worker dies on the construction site of the Triangle Tower… which continues despite everything

Another tragic work accident. On Tuesday, September 24, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, a worker died after being crushed by a metal frame on the construction site of the Tour Triangle.

The father of two, a 45-year-old Portuguese man, died after being crushed by a metal frame on the construction site of the controversial Tour Triangle.

Despite the grief and shock of his colleagues, the work continues

The man was removing the reinforcements that hold the concrete pillars on the top floor of the tower when one of them came loose, the source said. BFM ParisAccording to the site managers, quoted by the media, the operation in question was “standard and not particularly delicate.”

The Paris prosecutor’s office indicates that an investigation into the charge of involuntary manslaughter has been entrusted to the police station of the 15th arrondissement and to the labor inspectorate following the accident.

While the activities affected by the accident remain suspended until further notice, other activities resumed on Wednesday, September 25, despite the city’s request for a temporary suspension of the worksite and the shock of the victim’s colleagues.

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