a white march after the suicide of Dinah, 14, harassed at school

Dinah will never turn 15. The teenager ended her life in her room the night of October 4 to 5 in Kingersheim, Alsace. According to her family, she had been harassed by students at her college for two years. A white march is organized in his memory, this Sunday at 3 p.m., in Mulhouse.

The teenager’s ordeal began when she was in fourth grade. “Dinah had a small group of friends and one day she had the misfortune to tell them that she was LGBT”, says at RTL’s microphone his mom. The young girls start by creating “a WhatsApp group to make fun of her”. Then come the jostling in the halls of the college and the insults: “dirty lesbian”, “dirty nerd”, “dirty race” or even “dirty mestizo”. “The college called us every day to come and pick her up,” says the mother.

“We will show you methods so as not to miss you”

In March, Dinah makes her first suicide attempt. An investigation is opened and a confrontation is organized between Dinah and her harassers. But despite this, the girl’s hell continues. “They sent her a letter to say ‘don’t worry, next time it’s the right one, we’ll show you some methods so as not to miss you’”, reports Dinah’s mother. The harassment does not end in her new high school in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), since the teenager crosses paths with her harassers in the canteen, common to several establishments in the sector. “From that moment on, everything went back to him,” assures the mother, whose daughter will commit suicide some time later.

The prosecution has opened an investigation into the harassment, in order to establish a link with the suicide. Dinah’s family now wants to file a complaint against X and against the college. Indeed, the mother of the teenager assured on RTL that when her husband had demanded that measures be taken to put an end to this harassment, the college had blamed the teenager by saying that she made it ” a little too much ”and that it was“ bickering between kids ”.

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