A vast narcotics import network that operated in France dismantled

Nearly six months after the opening of a judicial investigation by the specialized interregional jurisdiction of Marseille, the prosecution announced on Friday that it had arrested 22 individuals in six departments. They are suspected of having organized a large network importing narcotics, in this case cannabis resin from Morocco and cocaine from Belgium.

The operation carried out jointly in the Bouches-du-Rhône, Alpes-Maritimes, Haut-Rhin, Jura and Côte d’Or regions led to the seizure of 91 kg of hash resin, 13 kg of cocaine, weapons and nearly 130,000 euros in cash. Vehicles and luxury watches were also confiscated, said Dominique Laurens, the public prosecutor in Marseille.

A major Marseille drug trafficker arrested

At the end of their police custody, seven individuals were presented to the investigating judge. Five of them were remanded in custody. “Presentations continue today for seven individuals for whom the prosecution requires pre-trial detention”, continues the magistrate in a press release.

According to the Marseille prosecutor’s office, “this network was active in the Burgundy, PACA, Ile-de-France and Occitanie regions and imported large quantities of cocaine from Belgium and cannabis from Morocco every week. During this operation, the alleged leader of this network as well as a major Marseille drug trafficker were arrested. »

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