A true-false debate, the Corsican dossier and Emmanuel Macron’s “freelance” campaign… The “Recap” of March 18

This presidential election is decidedly unique. After a long period during which it will have been anesthetized by the health crisis and then disturbed by the explosion of the war in Ukraine, the dotted campaign of an outgoing well ahead of the polls is now shaking up political news. In question, in particular, Emmanuel Macron’s refusal to confront his opponents in the context of debates, which forces the channels to change their plans. Monday evening, TF1 organized the first evening of true-false debate of the campaign: the eight main candidates followed one another on stage for interviews lasting around a quarter of an hour. A format not very exciting on paper and which was not spiced up by the very wise attitude of the candidates present. This is the first point of this 15th presidential “Recap” of 20 minutes on video.

Also on the menu, the return of the Corsican dossier to the countryside. The violent attack in prison of Yvan Colonna has awakened a dull anger in the island of Beauty. Results, in an attempt to calm the situation, Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior, announced that the government was ready to talk about autonomy with the Corsican elected officials… A hypothesis however rejected for five years by Emmanuel Macron.

Finally, since it is a question of the president-candidate, we will come back to his minimal campaign but which, for the moment, is working at full capacity. Emmanuel Macron also benefits greatly from the fact that the ministers seem to be campaigning under the cover of government announcements… Above all, on Thursday, the candidate president gave a very long press conference (almost four hours!) to present his “presidential project for the France “. Emmanuel Macron detailed an objective of “independence” from France as well on defense, agriculture, or even energy. He also confirmed in particular the transition from retirement to 65 and the conditioning of the RSA to fifteen or twenty hours of “activity”. A program that leans to the right.

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