A third woman sues Gilbert Rozon for rape

Gilbert Rozon in Paris in 2015 – SIPA

In less than two months, this is the third such complaint against Gilbert Rozon. This Friday, lawyers for Danie Frenette, an artist who had a career at the time in the theater and the circus, reported that their client accuses the former producer of having raped her in 1988. She claims 2.2 million Canadian dollars (1.4 million euros) to the ex-juror of the show France has an unbelievable talent, according to the petition filed at the Montreal courthouse.

Danie Frenette accuses Gilbert Rozon of having raped her during a party he had organized in the garden of his residence in Montreal to celebrate the end of the Just for Laughs festival in July 1988, according to the request consulted by AFP . “In shock, confused and paralyzed by shame”, the woman would not have resisted her alleged attacker and would have left the scene immediately after the incident.

A second assault a few months later

She assures that Gilbert Rozon sexually assaulted her again in the fall of 1988. “The rape, assaults and the hold the defendant had over her had serious repercussions on her life, which continue to this day”, support the lawyers of Danie Frenette, now 66 years old.

Two other Quebeckers, Lyne Charlebois and Patricia Tulasne, recently sued Gilbert Rozon in civil proceedings for rape, also claiming to have been raped in the 1980s and 1990s. will deem appropriate in order to ensure my defense, ”said Gilbert Rozon after Lyne Charlebois’ complaint.

Acquitted in December in another rape case

Lyne Charlebois, Patricia Tulasne and Danie Frenette participated in the creation of a collective bringing together about twenty women presumed victims of the former producer between 1982 and 2016. This group had taken a collective action against Gilbert Rozon, rejected by the Canadian justice.

Targeted by accusations of sexual assault in October 2017, in the midst of the #MeToo movement, Gilbert Rozon has since left his post at the head of the group Just for Laughs. Gilbert Rozon, 66, was acquitted in December in another rape and indecent assault case following a criminal trial.



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