A tenant evicted from her social housing after the discovery of narcotics

ACM Habitat, the social landlord of the metropolis of Montpellier (Hérault), decided to initiate eviction proceedings for a tenant on Monday after the discovery of narcotics in her social housing, as well as a box in the residence. located in the Celleneuve district, in Montpellier. Cannabis resin in wafers, cocaine, as well as a weapon and cash were discovered by the police.

This sanction comes within the framework of its “Zero impunity” system, launched in September 2021, indicates the social landlord who affirms his “total firmness vis-à-vis such acts”. “Social housing is an essential right (…) But it also involves duties. Under no circumstances should such behavior and the criminal use of the premises (…) be tolerated on the part of the tenants and their relatives. »

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