A teacher hit by a student who refused to take off her veil

Teachers at the Sévigné high school in Tourcoing decided to exercise their right of withdrawal this Tuesday after one of their colleagues was hit by a student on the premises of the establishment on Monday. The former Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, spoke of an attack on X “when she was simply enforcing secularism”.

According to the Voice of the Norththe events took place on Monday, in a high school classroom where a student hit the teacher. France Blue specifies that the student in question, aged 18, fled after her action but was arrested in the evening and placed in police custody.

Supportive reactions to the teacher

According to other media, the teacher was hit in the face by this student who refused to remove her veil while she was still in the establishment. The JDD reports that the teacher returned the slap to the student and that things then escalated.

Onthe former mayor of Tourcoing and former Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, seems to go in this direction by declaring “I want to give all my support to this teacher from Tourcoing who, while she was simply enforcing secularism, was hit by a student. Same story from the president of the region, Xavier Bertrand: “Secularism is one of the pillars of the School of the Republic, it cannot be negotiated. Let’s not give up anything, he declares on him too.

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