A student’s mother arrested for threatening her son’s teacher with death

The scene took place on Friday morning, shortly after entering class. A few hours before the national homage to Samuel Paty, professor of history at Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, assassinated a year ago for showing caricatures of Mohammed. A teacher at the Jean-Rostand public school in Rennes was attacked by a mother of a student. The latter made death threats against the teacher, provoking indignation from all the staff.

The student’s mother was arrested during the day by the police before being presented to a judge. She was the subject of a criminal composition for facts qualified as “threat of crime or misdemeanor against people against a person entrusted with a public service mission”, said the public prosecutor. the Republic.

A citizenship internship to complete

Aged 29, the mis en cause has no criminal record. She will have to do a citizenship course, says the prosecution. The teacher, like the rectorate, had lodged a complaint.

According to West France, the mother of the child allegedly criticized the teacher for not having tied her shoelaces last week. The teacher of CE2 would then have reported to him the disturbing behavior of her son, before receiving death threats.

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