A strange energy treatment available on Doctolib? Not really

This Monday, the Twittosphere is abuzz with a video that – at the time of writing – has been viewed over a million times. In a doctor’s office, we see a patient in full consultation. Around him, a woman and a man. Both would be energy companies, according to the publication. On the examining table, the woman gestures wildly and appears to be convulsing. “The remake of the exorcist”, mocks a surfer. “Charlatanism”, accuses another. Other Internet users question the veracity of this video. It would be, according to them, a parody.

According to the publication, the two professionals would even be present on the Doctolib medical appointment platform, which as a reminder announced last October to keep only “professionals referenced by health authorities” on its platform. Exit therefore the magnetizers, sophrologists, naturopaths, homeopaths… and energy specialists. What about this doctor’s office in the image? 20 minutes tell you more.


Contrary to what one might imagine at first sight, this video is not a parody. On Instagram, we found the initial video posted on the account of a man followed by almost 8,000 people, Alexis Quach. “Metahuman, seminar, coaching, training,” describes his bio.

The video in question was posted at the end of March. He presents the “Qi Cleansing” which would be according to the publication “an ancestral Chinese art around the circulation and the liberation which is called Qi (meaning vital energy, breath of life)”. “Qi is this primordial energy that allows each form of life to be able to unfold and expand on this plane of reality”, specifies the publication. According to other sites specializing in the issue, it would be a “bare hand energy” treatment. The goal ? “Free the person from the blockages accumulated during his life”.

More broadly, Alexis Quach explains that his activities allow him “to accompany the human being and to be able to allow him to regain his sovereignty and get back to the heart of his life”.

No presence on Doctolib

The publication also explains that the man would be present on Doctolib – despite the decision since last fall to refocus exclusively on caregivers “referenced by the authorities”. In all, 5,700 “wellness practitioners” were affected by this new ban.

To date, the coach therapist and trainer Alexis Quach cannot be found on Doctolib. The Institute with which he collaborates, “Beltane Institute”, either. On the phone, the coach therapist confirms that he is not on the platform and has never been there.

The Miviludes alert

Energeticians like reiki masters or mediums remain unregulated professions and the practice is not based on any medical basis. On the site of the Miviludes (Interministerial mission of vigilance and fight against sectarian aberrations)the state agency cites “energy rebalancing” methods as the new methods that are gaining in popularity.

“Miviludes would like to draw everyone’s attention to the risks inherent in the techniques described above. They are untested and have no legal recognition. In addition, the lack of legally recognized training can induce amateurism on the part of certain pseudo-practitioners,” the recommendations state. For his part, Alexis Quach has been following this path for almost nine years now. Training, he had some, even if they are not necessarily recognized by the State. “It’s not a problem for me,” he concludes.

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