A state in Brazil wants to give children free eye, ear, breast and nose surgery – Panorama

Cosmetic surgery is considered fairly normal in Brazil. A federal state now wants to give children from the age of five free interventions on their eyes, ears, chest and nose – this should help against bullying.

Kids are great, but sometimes they’re cruel and mean: classmates are kicked out, neighbor girls are mocked, and the new kid at the soccer club doesn’t get a ball for more than weeks. It’s called bullying, and usually a small deviation from the norm is enough as an occasion – a speech impediment, for example, bad grades or a prominent nose. In any case, the problem is huge and occurs worldwide, but in Mato Grosso do Sul, a federal state in southern Brazil, they now want to have found a very simple solution, at least for teasing that is based on external appearances: cosmetic surgery.

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