A solar cadastre to know its photovoltaic potential

The metropolis of Montpellier has launched an action plan on the development of photovoltaics. Its objective: to triple its local production of local renewable energy by 2030. Many public buildings should be covered with panels. And the photovoltaic shades bloom on the car parks. The sunshine in the metropolis is substantial, especially in the summer period when it reaches a thousand hours.

A photovoltaic farm should also be installed on the former waste landfill of Thôt, located between Lattes and Villeneuve-lès-Avignon. A project for the moment because the State must first give its agreement. The old landfill is “in the grip of the “coastal” law”, recalls Isabelle Touzard, vice-president of the metropolis, in charge of the ecological and solidarity transition, biodiversity, energy, agroecology and food.

To achieve the objective of 2,800 roofs covered with photovoltaic panels on existing buildings by 2026, the community intends to rely on the owners of the private park. She set up a solar cadastre of great simplicity. Just enter their address. The more yellow the roof, the higher the degree of sunshine and the greater the potential for energy production.

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