A small vari, a species of lemur threatened with extinction, is born at the zoo of Doué-la-Fontaine

It is a very rare birth that occurred in the spring at the Bioparc of Doué-la-Fontaine (Maine-et-Loire). On April 12, Naniry, a small white-belt vari, was born, announces the zoological park on his Facebook page. The event is remarkable because this species of lemur is classified as critically endangered on the red list of species conducted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

“This is the first young raised since the arrival of the species at the park in 2015 and only the second recorded in the world in 2023”, welcome the teams of the zoological park.

Male or female ? Answer in a few weeks

Originally, the female had given birth to several young but only Naniry survived. After two months with his mother, in a specially equipped nest, the baby Vari is now in perfect health with a scale that showed 638 grams at six weeks. “On the other hand, it is still difficult at this stage to say whether it is a male or a female, specifies Bioparc. We will have to wait a few more weeks to be sure. »

Opened in 1961, the Doué-la-Fontaine zoo, renamed Bioparc in 2011, is one of the busiest tourist sites in Maine-et-Loire with around 200,000 visitors each year.

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