A simple warning for Yannick Bru, manager of UBB, after his appearance in the disciplinary committee

According to our information, Yannick Bru received a simple warning for inappropriate comments after his clash with Bayonne president Philippe Tayeb after the match between UBB and Bayonne (34-15), on April 27. The NRL made the news official on Wednesday evening.

Yannick Bru “was found responsible for any comments, declarations or behavior likely to harm the smooth running of the competitions” And “was sanctioned with a warning” while his club, UBB“was not sanctioned”, it is specified in the LNR press release.

Summoned on Wednesday before the disciplinary committee, the manager of the Union Bordeaux-Bègles exchanged words with his former president. After these events, Philippe Tayeb announced that he had filed a complaint against Bru. But the UBB coach denied the facts.

On Tuesday, he traveled to Paris, accompanied in particular by his lawyer to appear before the disciplinary committee. Philippe Tayeb was not present and was represented by videoconference by another manager of the Basque club.

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