A “secret alliance” between LREM and LR? “Fantasies”, according to the interested parties

François de Rugy (LREM) and Christelle Mor Anglais (LR) are candidates for regional in Pays de la Loire – L. Marin L. Venance / AFP

Is a rapprochement taking place between LR and LREM des Pays-de-la-Loire for the second round? This is what Matthieu Orphelin says in a press release released this Friday. According to the head of the environmentalist list, “secret discussions” would be engaged between Christelle Morancais and François de Rugy, “two panicked candidates” after the publication of a survey which gives the list of union of the left, which counts present PS and EELV.

To support his remarks, the green candidate cites the arrival of Edouard Philippe this Saturday in Guérande, which would aim to “encourage and support this alliance project which has neither political coherence nor clarity for voters and women. voters in our region, ”says Matthieu Orphelin.

“Complotism” and “fantasies”

Thorny subject for the right and the presidential party, this prospect has in any case been swept away by the two concerned, without them clearly saying if it could be relevant one day. In a press release, the outgoing president (LR) denounces the “aggressiveness” of her opponent and believes that “it is not the polls that decide the fate of the candidates, but the voters”. “The candidate supported by Jean-Luc Mélenchon gives in to the conspiracy of his new mentor,” she wrote while LFI joined the Greens for the first round.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

For François de Rugy, interviewed on the sidelines of a press point, it is only “fantasies”. “I am in my campaign for the first round,” he says. Edouard Philippe invited me to see us on the occasion of his Tour de France to sign his book. You shouldn’t see device stories everywhere… ”

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