A reduction adopted to reduce the precariousness of single parents

“You shouldn’t have to save money by not putting your child in the canteen”, indignant Sarah Lebailly, president of the organization ” Collective single mothers “. And the city of Montreuil has just taken measures to limit this phenomenon. After three years of negotiations with the organization, the specific reduction on child benefit bills for single parent homes was finally voted on Wednesday. Two months after the mayor of the city, Patrice Bessac (PCF), recorded his commitment to the measure.

The city council has granted a reduction which can range from 25% (for people earning between 1,001 and 1,400 euros per month) to 40% (for salaries between 255 and 1,000 euros). The latter will apply systematically to all invoices related to canteen prices and all extracurricular activities. “The measure will be effective on April 1, after a legality check”, assures the town hall.

“We take a lot in life, and we pay a lot”

“Last year, one of the mothers of the collective had to make huge sacrifices to be able to send her son to a snow class, says Sarah Lebailly. For him to leave, she had to take 400 euros out of her pocket. This single woman, who only earned 1,400 euros net per month, did not have enough to provide this sum. “Our children also have the right to go to snow class, or to do sports outside of school,” she says indignantly.

“How to justify that families with different constitutions and incomes pay roughly the same prices [que nous] ? “Asks a couple from Montreuil in a report submitted to the town hall. Especially since 83% of single parents are single women, i.e. the first victims of precariousness according to INSEE. “We take a lot in life, and we pay dearly, summarizes the president of the organization. Because all these bills are paid by us, not by our exes. »

No respite for single mothers

“Areas of reflection are underway for the overhaul of school canteen prices for all parents”, also assures the city of Montreuil. “We will not stop fighting for the free canteen, confirms the founder of the organization. It shouldn’t be a concern to be able to eat. For some children, the meal in the canteen is the only guarantee of having a healthy meal during the day, or even having a meal at all. »

There is still a lot to do, according to the organization “Collective single mothers”. The day after its “victory”, the collective got back to work. The next step ? Have parliamentarians recognize the status of single parent, “so that we exist in the French administration”. “There is a transformation of society, which includes more and more single-parent families, even if many do not accept it,” explains Sarah Lebailly. And if we keep denying it, we’re going straight into the wall. »

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